Rep Keatings "scathing" letter
was never entered into the
Congressional record; he sits for
two committees where entry on
the record
would have shown a legitimate
effort and actual
investigative intent. House
Homeland Security Committee
and the Subcommittee on
Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging
Threats which is under the
Committee on Foreign Affairs
have no record of this letter nor
is there any documentation
regarding the findings by a
Congressional Delegation that
went to Russia at the end of May
in any Congressional record; this
trip to Russia has its own set of
peculiarities as these
Representatives set out on their
own “investigation” into the
radicalization of Boston
Marathon bomber Tamerlan
The Delegation chose to use the
services of actor Steven Seagal
instead of the State Department
for this trip and purportedly
Seagal arranged for them to
with the FSB. Per a July 24th
article in Huff Post Politics(a stellar choice of venue):
According to Rep Rohrabacher,
head of the Congressional
Delegation, engaging Seagal
helped to avoid the experience of
past foreign trips when all of the
meetings had been arranged by
the U.S. Embassy. "You know
what we got? We got the State
Department controlling all the
information that we heard,"
Rohrabacher said. "You think
that's good for democracy? No
What's interesting is that Rep
Keating reports that Russian
officials showed him a letter they
sent to the FBI in March 2011,
warning that Tsarnaev had plans
to join insurgents in Chechnya
but that the Russians refused to
provide him a copy of the letter.
More interesting is the trip
appeared to occur via photoshop
showing the Congressman in
underground Pushkin Square at
the site commemorating the
victims of a terrorist attack on
Aug. 8, 2000. The photoshop trip
allegation with the pictures
supporting the allegation made
way to the comment section of
several news articles in the first
part of June.
Two months after the purported
trip a video emerged showing the
Congressional Delegation at the
underground site; the "scathing"
letter to Director Comey from
Rep Keating was announced in
the article that had this new
video. Most peculiar, once again,
the background to the
underground site had changed.
Rep Keating letter:
The few Congressional and
Senate Hearings that took place
regarding the Boston Marathon
publicly condemned the
Tsarnaevs as guilty before any
due process of law. The random
assignment of a US District
where the younger brother has
been charged with capital crimes
did not even occur until after the
indictment; prior to that late
June date and without random
draw the case initially was
assigned the same Magistrate
Judge who signed for the FBI
search warrant on April 21st, and
as soon as the US District Judge
was assigned an immediate
referral back to the same
Magistrate occurred; again, the
court order was entered only on
the case docket and did not make
it to the court's all recent orders
master docket.
The Magistrate referral was
withdrawn just before the
September 23rd status
conference; this was a
electronic order entered only on
the case docket that was never
recorded on the master all recent
orders docket, and the case
record still has the referral as
active. No defense attorney has
filed the required notice of
appearance in the case. To date
the court record indicates
complete and unquestionable
simulated criminal proceedings.
I watched every Committee
hearing that was scheduled to
address the events of April 15th.
What I witnessed was
unwarranted praise of
incompetence and
unquestionable "show" hearings
where corruption was being
covered up. The only hot
was when Rep. Louie Gohmert
had a heated exchange with FBI
Director Mueller at a House
Judiciary Hearing; a lack of
investigation by the FBI into the
Mosque because of who headed
the Mosque Tamerlan attended
was the subject of the heated
exchange. Considering there is
actual legitimate evidence that
Tamerlan had become
radicalized, the exchange was
more than apparent for "show".
The hearing was scheduled after
the NSA spying was outed by
Snowden. Hearing Title:
Oversight Hearing on the
Bureau of Investigation
This was the last Congressional
Committee hearing Mueller
attended before he retired as
Director of the FBI. Footnote 4
Senator Grassley's letter to
Director Comey refers to
Mueller's testimony at this
The Senate Committee on the
Judiciary “Oversight of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation”
hearing was June 19, 2013 and
this was Director Mueller's last
appearance before this
committee. There is no available
transcript of the hearing but the
hearing video is still available.
Here is Senator Grassley's
statement where he breezes over
the Marathon Bombing with
praise to Director
There are no follow up questions
on the record by Senator
following this June 19, 2013
hearing as stated in his letter to
Dr. Comey.
Both, the House Committee on
Oversight and Government
Reform and the Senate
Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental
Affairs were sent official
complaint letters on how this
more than apparent government
orchestrated event was a slap in
the face to the taxpayer not only
because it occurred on April 15th
but because it occurred during a
sequestration. Supporting
evidence that the injuries were a
lie, that the FBI was present at
Blast Site 2, and that the
had been photoshopped into a
crime scene was submitted. No
response has been rendered.
There is unquestionable
collusion between our three
branches of government to
ensure guilt for this young man;
the population of the USA was,
without question, terrorized by
the United States government
and thus far impunity prevails as
they continue to rob us blind.
Keep in mind the event
just before multiple
appropriation bills were passed.
An extensive search of the GPO
does not return either letter to
Director Comey. THE SHOW
The Congressional Delegation:
Michele Bachmann (no picture
her regarding this trip
Dana Rohrabacher, William
Keating, Steve King, Paul Cook
and Steven Cohen.
Caption Added will it appear? |
Notice the ceiling pipe on the
right side of the pictures. Notice
in picture of Rep Rohrabacher
where the man is standing below
the pipe that the sign is missing
on the wall below the pipe that
shows in the picture with the five
The Officer present in the set of
pictures that were released with
articles that came out at the time
of the trip to Russia is not
present in the video that came
out two months after the trip.