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Friday, June 21, 2013

BREAKING NEWS!:Kristen Stewart To Make Apology To Her Fans Source Says

I am so sorry and I apologize from the bottom of my heart that I do not conduct my relationship the way that you want me to. 

Ever since their story together begun, KStew and RPattz were devotedly followed by hordes of well-meaning, sincerely interested and honestly caring fans.

In the view of latest developments (the man in the truck story), an insider close to KStew confirmed she will be issuing a statement. And not just any statement, an apology!

Finally, after years and years of misunderstandings and malcommunications with her devoted audience, albeit unintentional on the part of the young vixen star, Stewart has decided to put her foot down and speak her mind about all the ways in which her off screen behavior has been selfish and hurtful to her fans, the people who care about her the most; the people who have literally been lossing sleep (and in some cases, their mind) over her happiness, love/sex life, her wardrobe, shoes, make up...

Let us all rejoice now, for the time has come for Stewart to finally speak directly to those most important in her career. To all the devoted and concerned women and girls out there following with passion her every move, literally giving out portions of their time (and can we say life) to it, especially to the moves involving her young beau – be frustrated no more! Your inhuman efforts are finally to be rewarded! It will have been worth it all in the end!!!

KStew will follow in the footsteps of her older, and more wise, colleague, Portia De Rossi, who made similar brave and unselfish move in 2009 and put the minds and hearts of millions of her fans at ease. (

KStew will finally SPEAK!

Portia De Rossi Is the Model KStew Will Follow In Her Apology To Her Fans

Reading Russell Brand Through Foucault and Baudrillard

We all know the Foucauldian Dominating Discourse of Media Interviewing. It is framed and the interviewee who is pitching something joins the interviewers in their frame.


At the end when he brings in Manning and Snowden as whistle blowers on US torture he imposes a fake interview format by framing them into the Discourse of opposition, of polemics, a Discourse of Domination with intent to inflame, incite opposite viewpoints, to destroy a rational reasonable Discourse that might expose the US government.

This is a video whereby the interviewee takes control of the frame, induces anxiety in the interviewers who have lost control, and whose Dominating language is exposed and unpacked. It leaves them fumbling like freshman because they have realized their prompt cards are masks dissembling the fact that they are "empty" of meaning.

The media here has been pushed to excess to the edge of the abyss, given a little shove over and it commits suicide all by itself.


Manning and Snowden and Assange are being persecuted, threatened with exposing secrets of the US (well yes our torture is supposed to be a secret) and their treatment, future punishment is as torturous as the torture they are exposing.

They are being threatened for exposing the simulation of protection of Americans, for the Debordian SPECTACLE of a justice that no longer exists in the US.