Kristen Stewart And Red Bull Together?

What are the chances of seeing Kristen Stewart
in a Super Bowl Ad for Red Bull? Not as slim as you might think! According to
our sources, here's the story. Aug 17,2012, The National Enquirer, A
publication renowned for it journalistic integrity and vigorous fact checking, reported
the following, "Ashamed over her scandalous affair, “Twilight” star Kristen
Stewart has virtually stopped eating and is basically “living on” a dangerous
diet of Red Bull and cigarettes, say sources. Friends are horrified at the guilt-ridden actress’ gaunt appearance and
fear for her health as she apparently punishes herself for betraying the love
of her life." Kristen had not been seen in public for some time and her fans
were becoming concerned. When she finally returned to the public eye, she
looked a little thinner, perhaps, but nonetheless fit and attractive. The clamor
for the secret of Kristen's amazing Red Bull Diet began. The Enquirer had
offered no details. People started saying, "That Red Bull is amazing
stuff! You can live on it!" Sources shared that Red Bull was certainly
aware of the buzz, but decided to bide their time to see how everything played
out. Now that things have settled down, sources say, they are making their bold
move, in the form of a Super Bowl Commercial. A highly placed source leaked the
details exclusively to us. The Ad begins with head/shoulder shot of KS in full
Vampire makeup, red eyes and all. scene shifts to head/shoulder shot of hot
male model sitting in chair. CG and sound will show vein pulsing in neck. shift
to KS ,who licks her lip seductively. shift to model with camera panning down to
lap were he is seen holding a Red Bull. Shift KS looking perplexed. Scenes now
flash rapidly between Mountain Lions, Deer and other large game animals, and
the can of Red Bull. Final scenes, KS holding can of Red Bull with some
dripping from her mouth. she smiles and says Yum Yum. Over voiced Disclaimer "Fortunately,
no animals or models were hurt during the making of this commercial." Final scene KS smiles and says, "Red
Bull, you can live on it!" Sure hope to see this Ad at Half Time!
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